Gap Year Internships Abroad
gap year internships abroad

Gap Year Programs Abroad

Welcome Gap Year Students & Parents!

For the most part, we treat our gap candidates just like everyone else and, by design, there is no separate category for a “gap year program” here at Adelante Abroad. So, simply choose a program from the Intern Abroad, or Study Abroad or Summer Programs tabs above to see “Program Overview”, “What’s Included” in each, and “Reviews” as well.

Per the American Gap Association: “A Gap Year is a structured period of time when students take a break from formal education to increase self-awareness, challenge comfort zones, and experiment with possible careers. Typically these are achieved by a combination of traveling, volunteering, interning, or working. A gap year experience can last from two months up to two years and is taken between high school graduation and the Junior year of their higher degree.”

Gap Year Pricing

To cover the additional counseling, pre-departure, and the extra meetings with our staff once abroad, Adelante Abroad has come up with an extra fee or surcharge for our gap year candidates that we think is fair: $350 USD on top of the published program pricing. This holds regardless of the length of program or the city chosen. The concept of continuing to mainstream our gap candidates into our long standing successful Intern Abroad programs holds firm, and at the same time we do recognize that some extras are needed.

Program Pricing Info
candidates from gap year internships abroad
Here is how our Gap Year candidates differ from our older candidates:
  • Gap Year candidates are recent high school graduates who usually require more support before and during their internship placement.
  • Adelante offers the parents of Gap Year candidates pre- departure guidance as needed.
  • Gap Year candidates receive additional support during the first few weeks of their internship abroad to help them adjust.
  • Gap Year candidates usually live with host families rather than in independent apartments. Read more in our FAQ.
  • Gap Year candidates often have a unique set of needs and concerns, which Adelante is happy to address.
Have Questions About the Program? Ask Us!

For Parents

If you have gotten this far, if means that you have an exceptional son or daughter. They were probably the ones who completed most of the international programs research and honed in on us, or, after meeting with a gap year counselor or advisor, were introduced to Adelante Abroad. We are here to tell you that NOT EVERY STUDENT IS A MATCH WITH OUR PROGRAMS, and that is ok. For this program, your child has to be independent, furiously curious, impatient with the status quo, and smarter than average. If this description fits, we welcome you to apply!

Program FAQs
Gap year programs abroad intern with parent

Why Should You Choose Adelante Abroad?

Internship programs offered in eight International Locations

Over 30 career fields available – Guaranteed Placements

1 to 6 Month programs available year-round

Gap Year opportunities for high school graduates, freshmen & sophomores

Accommodations included with your own private room

Affordable programs for students, recent grads & more

$250 Off Fall Discount for November & December Start Dates

Spain internships candidates with barcelona view


Ready to Intern Abroad?

For programs two months or longer starting in November or December.

Apply Now