Equine Summer Study in Scotland FAQ
Equine Frequently Asked Questions
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Will I receive transcripts at the end of my Adelante Equine Summer Study Abroad Program in Scotland?
Yes – Upon successful completion of the two courses in your Adelante Summer Study Abroad program, signed, fully transferable and sealed transcripts will be issued, in your name, to the Adelante Abroad HQ offices in California. We will then contact you and request where you would like these to be mailed. Transcripts are issued to Oatridge College, from the Scottish Qualifying Authority (SQA).
Can I receive academic credit for participating in this study program?
Yes – Using the included, fully transferable Transcripts (see question above), candidates can choose to receive credit for participating in an Adelante Summer Study Abroad program. It is advisable to make sure early on that the international coursework offered in this program will be accepted by your home University, if you wish the credit to be applied to your current studies. Adelante provides course lists and course descriptions and detailed syllabi.
Do I have to be enrolled in a college or university to participate?
No – This program is open to students, and it is also open to recent graduates or those currently un – enrolled. It is also open to people who simply want to
1) learn in a hands-on setting about the ecology, environment and habitat management of a bio-diverse part of the world, and/or
2) live in Scotland and learn the culture of this fascinating country while in an Ecology setting. Gap year students welcome.Is my $500 holding deposit refundable?
No – except in cases of medical emergency. This deposit secures your spot as there are only 16 spots total and the program tends to fill. It is also deductible from the program price, not an extra amount due! Do not pay the Holding Deposit until you are certain you are going to participate.
Are excursions included?
Yes – Many excursions are included in this 4-week Program. Nearly every weekend! Final details on excursions will be included in your Scotland Final Itinerary document. (See the Sample Itinerary included on the Equine Program pages here)
How much should I budget for living expenses per month, above and beyond what is included in the program fee?
This program includes all meals, so the money you need is to cover normal expenses like train/bus money, some going out for meals or at night and extras like coffees and snacks for your room. We suggest about $100USD per week. The price goes up when you start going out at night more and when you begin to travel further abroad (which we do encourage! For example, you can get to London, all parts of England and Ireland, and even other parts of Europe pretty easily from Scotland).
Is there an in-country Orientation upon arrival?
Yes – An extensive one, on the first Monday, on campus. Plan on about 2 hours for this. Prior to arrival, Adelante also provides an in-depth Orientation Packet. In addition, the Adelante Director in Scotland is available upon arrival.
What should I pack?
There is a stricter dress code in Scotland when working with and riding horses. Students should have a pair of English riding boots and collared shirts. Helmets are provided or bring your own. (More details in the above-mentioned Orientation Packet.)
If a friend or family member comes to visit, can they stay with me at the College?
Visitors could stay in the Residencies at around £50.00 per night. The Residency is basic campus accommodation, nothing fancy. There is also the option to stay nearby at the Houston House Hotel for Bed & breakfast at £75.00 per night www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk/houstounhouse
Are all books & materials included?Are all books & materials included?
Is there an ATM machine on campus?
The College does not have an ATM machine. However, there is a facility within the Student Services Office to withdraw up to £30.00 daily using a debit or credit card. The nearest ATM to the college is located in the village of Uphall which is a brisk 20 minutes walk. ATM machines are readily available throughout Edinburgh, including the airport.